* Doc Comment Parser class.
* @example
* for (let comment of node.leadingComments) {
* let tags = CommentParser.parse(comment);
* console.log(tags);
* }
export default class CommentParser {
* parse comment to tags.
* @param {ASTNode} commentNode - comment node.
* @param {string} commentNode.value - comment body.
* @param {string} commentNode.type - CommentBlock or CommentLine.
* @returns {Tag[]} parsed comment.
static parse(commentNode) {
if (!this.isESDoc(commentNode)) return [];
let comment = commentNode.value;
// TODO: refactor
comment = comment.replace(/\r\n/gm, '\n'); // for windows
comment = comment.replace(/^[\t ]*/gm, ''); // remove line head space
comment = comment.replace(/^\*[\t ]?/, ''); // remove first '*'
comment = comment.replace(/[\t ]$/, ''); // remove last space
comment = comment.replace(/^\*[\t ]?/gm, ''); // remove line head '*'
if (comment.charAt(0) !== '@') comment = `@desc ${comment}`; // auto insert @desc
comment = comment.replace(/[\t ]*$/, ''); // remove tail space.
comment = comment.replace(/```[\s\S]*?```/g, (match) => match.replace(/@/g, '\\ESCAPED_AT\\')); // escape code in descriptions
comment = comment.replace(/^[\t ]*(@\w+)$/gm, '$1 \\TRUE'); // auto insert tag text to non-text tag (e.g. @interface)
comment = comment.replace(/^[\t ]*(@\w+)[\t ](.*)/gm, '\\Z$1\\Z$2'); // insert separator (\\Z@tag\\Ztext)
const lines = comment.split('\\Z');
let tagName = '';
let tagValue = '';
const tags = [];
for (let i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) {
const line = lines[i];
if (line.charAt(0) === '@') {
tagName = line;
const nextLine = lines[i + 1];
if (nextLine.charAt(0) === '@') {
tagValue = '';
} else {
tagValue = nextLine;
tagValue = tagValue.replace('\\TRUE', '')
.replace(/\\ESCAPED_AT\\/g, '@')
.replace(/^\n/, '')
.replace(/\n*$/, '');
tags.push({tagName, tagValue});
return tags;
* parse node to tags.
* @param {ASTNode} node - node.
* @returns {{tags: Tag[], commentNode: CommentNode}} parsed comment.
static parseFromNode(node) {
if (!node.leadingComments) node.leadingComments = [{type: 'CommentBlock', value: ''}];
const commentNode = node.leadingComments[node.leadingComments.length - 1];
const tags = this.parse(commentNode);
return {tags, commentNode};
* judge doc comment or not.
* @param {ASTNode} commentNode - comment node.
* @returns {boolean} if true, this comment node is doc comment.
static isESDoc(commentNode) {
if (commentNode.type !== 'CommentBlock') return false;
return commentNode.value.charAt(0) === '*';
* build comment from tags
* @param {Tag[]} tags
* @returns {string} block comment value.
static buildComment(tags) {
return tags.reduce((comment, tag) => {
const line = tag.tagValue.replace(/\n/g, '\n * ');
return `${comment} * ${tag.tagName} \n * ${line} \n`;
}, '*\n');