Reference Source Test


Introduce config files of esdoc2 with esdoc2-standard-plugin.

Minimum Config

  "source": "./src",
  "destination": "./docs",
  "plugins": [{"name": "esdoc2-standard-plugin"}]

Integrate Test Codes Config

  "source": "./src",
  "destination": "./docs",
  "plugins": [
    "name": "esdoc2-standard-plugin",
    "option": {
      "test": {
        "source": "./test/",
        "interfaces": ["describe", "it", "context", "suite", "test"],
        "includes": ["(spec|Spec|test|Test)\\.js$"],
        "excludes": ["\\.config\\.js$"]

And if use @test, more better integration.

/** @test {MyClass} */
describe('MyClass has foo bar feature', ()=>{

  /** @test {MyClass#baz} */
  it('MyClass#baz returns magic value', ()=>{

Integrate Manual Config

  "source": "./src",
  "destination": "./docs",
  "plugins": [
    "name": "esdoc2-standard-plugin",
    "option": {
      "manual": {
        "index": "./manual/",
        "asset": "./manual/asset",
        "files": [

Full Config

  "source": "./src",
  "destination": "./docs",
  "includes": ["\\.js$"],
  "excludes": ["\\.config\\.js$"],
  "plugins": [
    "name": "esdoc2-standard-plugin",
    "option": {
      "lint": {"enable": true},
      "coverage": {"enable": true},
      "accessor": {"access": ["public", "protected", "private"], "autoPrivate": true},
      "undocumentIdentifier": {"enable": true},
      "unexportedIdentifier": {"enable": false},
      "typeInference": {"enable": true},
      "brand": {
        "logo": "./logo.png",
        "title": "My Library",
        "description": "this is awesome library",
        "repository": "",
        "site": "",
        "author": "",
        "image": ""
      "manual": {
        "index": "./manual/",
        "globalIndex": true,
        "asset": "./manual/asset",
        "files": [
      "test": {
        "source": "./test/",
        "interfaces": ["describe", "it", "context", "suite", "test"],
        "includes": ["(spec|Spec|test|Test)\\.js$"],
        "excludes": ["\\.config\\.js$"]

esdoc2 Config

Name Required Default Description
source true - JavaScript source codes directory path.
destination true - Output directory path.
includes - ["\\.js$"] Process files that are matched with the regexp at any one.
excludes - ["\\.config\\.js$"] Not process files that are matched with the regexp at any one.
index - ./ Includes file into index page of document
package - ./package.json Use package.json info.
plugins - null If specified, use each plugins. To see Plugin Feature for more information.
plugins[].name true - Plugin module name(e.g. your-awesome-plugin) or plugin file path(e.g. ./your-awesome-plugin.js).
plugins[].option - null If specified, the plugin get the option.

esdoc2-standard-plugin Option

Name Required Default Description
lint.enable - true If specified, execute documentation lint.
coverage.enable - true If true, output document coverage.
accessor.access - ["public", "protected", "private""] Process only identifiers(class, method, etc...) that are have the access(public, protected and private).
accessor.autoPrivate - true Deal with identifiers beginning with "_" as a private.
e.g. this._foo is private. but /** @public */ this._foo is public.
undocumentIdentifier.enable - true If true, also process undocument Identifiers.
e.g. /** @foo bar */ class MyClass is document identifier, class MyClass is undocument identifier.
unexportIdentifier.enable - false If true, also process unexported Identifiers.
e.g. export class MyClass is exported, class MyClass is not exported.
typeInference.true - true If true, infer type of variable, return value.
brand.logo - - aaa
brand.title - - Use title for output.
brand.description - - If specified, write meta tag, og tag and twitter card.
brand.repository - - If specified, write URL in header navigation. - - If specified, write og tag and twitter card. - - If specified, write og tag and twitter card.
brand.image - - If specified, write og tag and twitter card.
manual.globalIndex - false If specify true, esdoc2 generates global index using the manual. In other words, it means to replace config.index to config.manual.index
manual.index - null If specify markdown file, show manual index using the file.
manual.asset - null if specify asset(image) directory path, include the directory into manual.
manual.files - null If specify markdown files, include manual into output.
test.source true - Test codes directory path.
test.interfaces ["describe", "it", "context", "suite", "test"] Test code interfaces.
test.includes - ["(spec|Spec|test|Test)\\.js$"] Process files that are matched with the regexp at any one.
test.excludes - ["\\.config\\.js$"] Not process files that are matched with the regexp at any one.

Note: A file path in config is based on current directory.