Reference Source Test

Build Status Coverage Status Document Coverage Status


ESDoc2 is a drop-in replacement of ESDoc, a documentation generator for JavaScript. ESDoc2 was created as the result of the original author of ESDoc refusing to add any other contributors to the project. ESDoc2 is the decentralized version, contributors and maintainers are welcome.


  • Generates good documentation.
  • Measures documentation coverage.
  • Integrate test codes into documentation.
  • Integrate manual into documentation.
  • Parse ECMAScript proposals.
  • Lots of plugins

Quick Start

# Move to your project directory.
cd your-project/

# Install esdoc2 and standard plugin.
npm install esdoc2 esdoc2-standard-plugin

# Create a configuration file.
echo '{
  "source": "./src",
  "destination": "./docs",
  "plugins": [{"name": "esdoc2-standard-plugin"}]
}' > .esdoc.json

# Run esdoc2.

# View documentation
open ./docs/index.html


Please visit to see more documentation.




  • Ryo Maruyama, author of ESDoc



Install esdoc2 and standard-plugin from npm.

cd your-project/
npm install --save-dev esdoc2 esdoc2-standard-plugin
./node_modules/.bin/esdoc2 -h


The minimum configuration is the following JSON. All configurations are here.


  "source": "./src",
  "destination": "./docs",
  "plugins": [
    {"name": "esdoc2-standard-plugin"}

esdoc2 automatically finds the configuration file path by the order, if you don't specify -c esdoc2.json.

  1. .esdoc2.json in the current directory
  2. .esdoc2.js in the current directory
  3. esdoc2 property in package.json

Writing Tags

esdoc2 supports some documentation tags(aka. jsdoc tags). All tags are here.

 * this is MyClass.
export default class MyClass {
   * @param {number} a - this is a value.
   * @param {number} b - this is a value.
   * @return {number} result of the sum value.
  sum(a, b){
    return a + b;

And run esdoc2.

open ./docs/index.html


esdoc2 provides a lot of features.

Core Features (via body)

Standard Features (via esdoc2-standard-plugin)

Other Features (via various plugins)

Doc Comment and Tag

esdoc2 obtains a comment called doc comment from a source code.
Then esdoc2 generates a document from a tag in a doc comment.

A doc comment is block comment beginning with *. A tag is a text of the form @tagName.

 * This is Foo.
export default class Foo {
   * @param {number} p - this is p.

ES Class

esdoc2 supports ES class syntax and targets codes that are written by it.

ES class syntax makes the clear relation of class, method, member, constructor and inheritance.
This means that esdoc2 can generate a document without using a tag for these. In other words, you don't need to write tags for classes.

esdoc2 automatically generates the under contents by class syntax.

  • Super classes
  • Direct Subclasses and Indirect Subclasses.
  • Inherited methods and members from super class.
  • Override methods and members from super class.

Note: esdoc2 doesn't support prototype base codes and function base codes.

ES Module

esdoc2 supports ES modules syntax and targets codes that are written by it.
ES modules syntax is file base. So esdoc2 treats as one file = one module.

esdoc2 displays a import style in accordance with the export style.

  • If export default class Foo{}, displays import Foo from './Foo.js' in Foo class documentation.
  • If export class Foo{}, displays import {Foo} from './Foo.js'in Foo class documentation.

This is useful because you not need to see export style in source code.

And you may as well as use esdoc2-importpath-plugin to transform path.

Note: esdoc2 doesn't support commonjs.

Plugin Architecture

esdoc2 adopts plugin architecture. So, almost all features are provided as plugins.

Especially esdoc2-standard-plugin is a packaging plugin with major plugins.
Normally we recommend using this plugin. There are various plugins in esdoc2/esdoc2-plugins.

You can easily make plugins, and there are many third party plugins.
Please click here for how to make plugins.

Publish HTML

esdoc2 generates HTML documents that are easy to see and plain looks.

Documentation Coverage

esdoc2 inspects a documentation coverage. This is useful information for the following.

  • This leads the motivation of documentation.
  • This inspects a missing of documentation.

esdoc2 processes only top-level class, function and variable.
This is based on, esdoc2 measures coverage by how much the document is being written out of all the processing target.
And, esdoc2 is also to measure coverage of each module, you will have become easier to also find a missing of the document.

For example, this is coverage of esdoc2 itself.

Documentation Lint

If documentation is invalid, esdoc2 shows warning log.

export default class Foo {
   * @param {number} x

Note: For now, esdoc2 lints only method/function signature.

Integration Test Codes

Test codes are important information.
So, esdoc2 generates a cross reference of test codes and document.

/** @test {MyClass} */
describe('MyClass is super useful class.', ()=>{

  /** @test {MyClass#sayMyName} */
  it('say my name', ()=>{
    let foo = new MyClass('Alice');
    assert.equal(foo.sayMyName(), 'My name is Alice');

Integration Manual

You can integrate a manual of a your project into documentation.

# Overview
This is my project overview.

Search Documentation

esdoc2 supports built-in searching in document with only JavaScript(without server implementation).

The implementation of searching:

  • esdoc2 made the index(JSON) at the time of document generation.
  • The user search from the index.

Note: This implementation is very naive. There might be a problem in search performance. For now, no problem in 500 indexes.

Type Inference

esdoc2 infers type of variables using codes if those have no @param.

The following variables are supported.

  • A class type using class syntax.
  • A method/function arguments type using default argument syntax.
  • A property type using assignment value.
  • A return type using return value.

Note: This implementation is very simple. So esdoc2 infers only primitive values(number, boolean, string).


Documentation tags are similar to JSDoc tags.


 * this is MyClass description.
 * @example
 * let myClass = new MyClass();
export default class MyClass {
   * this is constructor description.
   * @param {number} arg1 this is arg1 description.
   * @param {string[]} arg2 this is arg2 description.
  constructor(arg1, arg2) {...}

All Tags

For Common


syntax: @access <public|protected|private>

Alias are @public, @protected and @private.

 * @access public
class MyClass {
   * @private


syntax: @deprecated [description]

 * @deprecated use MyClassEx instead of this.
class MyClass{...}


syntax: @desc <description>

<description> supports markdown.

Normally you don't need to use @desc, because first section in doc comment is determined automatically as @desc.

 * @desc this is description.
class MyClass{...}

 * this is description.
class MyClass{...}


syntax: @example <JavaScript>

 * @example
 * let myClass = new MyClass();
 * let result =;
 * console.log(result);
 * @example
 * let result =;
 * console.log(result);
class MyClass{...}

And you can use <caption>...</caption> at first line.

 * @example <caption>This is caption</caption>
 * let myClass = new MyClass();
class MyClass{...}


syntax: @experimental [description]

 * @experimental this class includes breaking change.
class MyClass{...}


syntax: @ignore

The identifier is not displayed in document.

 * @ignore
class MyClass{...}


syntax: {@link <identifier>}

link other identifier

 * this is MyClass.
 * If device spec is low, you can use {@link MySimpleClass}.
class MyClass{...}


syntax: @see <URL>

 * @see
 * @see
class MyClass{...}


syntax: @since <version>

 * @since 0.0.1
class MyClass{...}


syntax: @todo <description>

 * @todo support multi byte character.
 * @todo cache calculation result.
class MyClass{...}


syntax: @version <version>

 * @version 1.2.3
class MyClass{...}

For Class


syntax: @extends <identifier>

Normally you don't need to use @extends. because ES2015 has the Class-Extends syntax. however, you can use this tag if you want to explicitly specify.

 * @extends {SuperClass1}
 * @extends {SuperClass2}
class MyClass extends mix(SuperClass1, SuperClass2) {...}


syntax: @implements <identifier>

 * @implements {MyInterface1}
 * @implements {MyInterface2}
class MyClass {...}


syntax: @interface

 * @interface
class MyInterface {...}

For Method And Function


syntax: @abstract

class MyClass {
   * this method must be overridden by sub class.
   * @abstract


syntax: @emits <identifier> [description]

class MyClass {
   * @emits {MyEvent1} emit event when foo.
   * @emits {MyEvent2} emit event when bar.


syntax: @listens <identifier> [description]

class MyClass {
   * @listens {MyEvent1} listen event because foo.
   * @listens {MyEvent2} listen event because bar.


syntax: @override

class MyClass extends SuperClass {
   * @override


syntax: @param <type> <name> [-] [description]

About <type> to see Type Syntax

class MyClass {
   * @param {number} p - this is p description.


syntax: @return <type> [description]

About <type> to see Type Syntax

class MyClass {
   * @return {number} this is description.

If return Object, you can use @property <type> <name> [description] for each properties.

class MyClass {
   * @return {Object} this is description.
   * @property {number} foo this is description.
   * @property {number} bar this is description.


syntax: @throws <identifier> [description]

class MyClass {
   * @throws {MyError1} throw error when foo.
   * @throws {MyError2} throw error when bar.

For Member And Variable


syntax: @type <type>

About <type> to see Type Syntax

class MyClass {
  constructor() {
     * @type {number}
    this.p = 123;

If you use get/set syntax, you can specify @type.

class MyClass {
  /** @type {string} */
  get value() {}

  /** @type {string} */
  set value(v){}

If <type> is Object, you can use @property <type> <name> [description] for each properties.

class MyClass {
  constructor() {
     * @type {Object}
     * @property {number}
     * @property {string}
    this.p = {foo: 123, bar: "abc"};

For Virtual


syntax: @external <identifier> <URL>

 * @external {XMLHttpRequest}


syntax: @typedef <type> <name>

About <type> to see Type Syntax

 * @typedef {number|string} MyType

If <type> is Object, you can use @property <type> <name> [description] for each properties.

 * @typedef {Object} MyType
 * @property {number} foo this is description.
 * @property {string} bar this is description.

For Test


syntax: @test <identifier>

/** @test {MyClass} */
describe('MyClass has foo bar feature', ()=>{

  /** @test {MyClass#baz} */
  it('MyClass#baz returns magic value', ()=>{

Type Syntax

@param, @return, @type and @typedef are support the following type syntax.


 * @param {number} param - this is simple param.
function myFunc(param){...}


 * @param {number[]} param - this is array param.
function myFunc(param){...}


 * @param {Object} param - this is object param.
 * @param {number} - this is property param.
 * @param {string} - this is property param.
function myFunc(param){...}

 * this is object destructuring.
 * @param {Object} param - this is object param.
 * @param {number} - this is property param.
 * @param {string} - this is property param.
function myFunc({foo, bar}){...}


 * @param {{foo: number, bar: string}} param - this is object param.
function myFunc(param){...}

 * this is nullable property
 * @param {{foo: ?number, bar: string}} param - this is object param.
function myFunc(param){...}

 * this is object destructuring.
 * @param {{foo: number, bar: string}} param - this is object param.
function myFunc({foo, bar}){...}


 * @param {Array<string>} param - this is Array param.
function myFunc(param){...}

 * @param {Map<number, string>} param - this is Map param.
function myFunc(param){...}

 * @return {Promise<string[], MyError>} this is Promise return value.
function myFunc(){...}


 * @param {function(foo: number, bar: string): boolean} param - this is function param.
function myFunc(param){...}


 * @param {number|string} param - this is union param.
function myFunc(param){...}

Nullable And Not Nullable

 * @param {?number} param - this is nullable param.
function myFunc(param){...}

 * @param {!Object} param - this is not nullable param.
function myFunc(param){...}

 * @param {?(number|string)} param - this is nullable and union param.
function myFunc(param){...}


 * @param {...number} param - this is spread param.
function myFunc(...param){...}

Optional And Default

 * @param {number} [param] - this is optional param.
function myFunc(param){...}

 * @param {number} [param=10] - this is default param.
function myFunc(param){...}

Identifier Syntax

<identifier> supports following syntax.

  • class: MyClass
  • method and member: MyClass#foo
  • static method and member:
  • function and variable: myFunc, myVariable

if same names in your project, you can use full identifier syntax. full identifier is filePath~identifier.

e.g. If MyClass in src/foo1.js and src/foo2.js, you can write following,

  • src/foo1.js~MyClass
  • src/foo2.js~MyClass


Introduce config files of esdoc2 with esdoc2-standard-plugin.

Minimum Config

  "source": "./src",
  "destination": "./docs",
  "plugins": [{"name": "esdoc2-standard-plugin"}]

Integrate Test Codes Config

  "source": "./src",
  "destination": "./docs",
  "plugins": [
    "name": "esdoc2-standard-plugin",
    "option": {
      "test": {
        "source": "./test/",
        "interfaces": ["describe", "it", "context", "suite", "test"],
        "includes": ["(spec|Spec|test|Test)\\.js$"],
        "excludes": ["\\.config\\.js$"]

And if use @test, more better integration.

/** @test {MyClass} */
describe('MyClass has foo bar feature', ()=>{

  /** @test {MyClass#baz} */
  it('MyClass#baz returns magic value', ()=>{

Integrate Manual Config

  "source": "./src",
  "destination": "./docs",
  "plugins": [
    "name": "esdoc2-standard-plugin",
    "option": {
      "manual": {
        "index": "./manual/",
        "asset": "./manual/asset",
        "files": [

Full Config

  "source": "./src",
  "destination": "./docs",
  "includes": ["\\.js$"],
  "excludes": ["\\.config\\.js$"],
  "plugins": [
    "name": "esdoc2-standard-plugin",
    "option": {
      "lint": {"enable": true},
      "coverage": {"enable": true},
      "accessor": {"access": ["public", "protected", "private"], "autoPrivate": true},
      "undocumentIdentifier": {"enable": true},
      "unexportedIdentifier": {"enable": false},
      "typeInference": {"enable": true},
      "brand": {
        "logo": "./logo.png",
        "title": "My Library",
        "description": "this is awesome library",
        "repository": "",
        "site": "",
        "author": "",
        "image": ""
      "manual": {
        "index": "./manual/",
        "globalIndex": true,
        "asset": "./manual/asset",
        "files": [
      "test": {
        "source": "./test/",
        "interfaces": ["describe", "it", "context", "suite", "test"],
        "includes": ["(spec|Spec|test|Test)\\.js$"],
        "excludes": ["\\.config\\.js$"]

esdoc2 Config

Name Required Default Description
source true - JavaScript source codes directory path.
destination true - Output directory path.
includes - ["\\.js$"] Process files that are matched with the regexp at any one.
excludes - ["\\.config\\.js$"] Not process files that are matched with the regexp at any one.
index - ./ Includes file into index page of document
package - ./package.json Use package.json info.
plugins - null If specified, use each plugins. To see Plugin Feature for more information.
plugins[].name true - Plugin module name(e.g. your-awesome-plugin) or plugin file path(e.g. ./your-awesome-plugin.js).
plugins[].option - null If specified, the plugin get the option.

esdoc2-standard-plugin Option

Name Required Default Description
lint.enable - true If specified, execute documentation lint.
coverage.enable - true If true, output document coverage.
accessor.access - ["public", "protected", "private""] Process only identifiers(class, method, etc...) that are have the access(public, protected and private).
accessor.autoPrivate - true Deal with identifiers beginning with "_" as a private.
e.g. this._foo is private. but /** @public */ this._foo is public.
undocumentIdentifier.enable - true If true, also process undocument Identifiers.
e.g. /** @foo bar */ class MyClass is document identifier, class MyClass is undocument identifier.
unexportIdentifier.enable - false If true, also process unexported Identifiers.
e.g. export class MyClass is exported, class MyClass is not exported.
typeInference.true - true If true, infer type of variable, return value.
brand.logo - - aaa
brand.title - - Use title for output.
brand.description - - If specified, write meta tag, og tag and twitter card.
brand.repository - - If specified, write URL in header navigation. - - If specified, write og tag and twitter card. - - If specified, write og tag and twitter card.
brand.image - - If specified, write og tag and twitter card.
manual.globalIndex - false If specify true, esdoc2 generates global index using the manual. In other words, it means to replace config.index to config.manual.index
manual.index - null If specify markdown file, show manual index using the file.
manual.asset - null if specify asset(image) directory path, include the directory into manual.
manual.files - null If specify markdown files, include manual into output.
test.source true - Test codes directory path.
test.interfaces ["describe", "it", "context", "suite", "test"] Test code interfaces.
test.includes - ["(spec|Spec|test|Test)\\.js$"] Process files that are matched with the regexp at any one.
test.excludes - ["\\.config\\.js$"] Not process files that are matched with the regexp at any one.

Note: A file path in config is based on current directory.


You can modify data(config, code, parser, AST, doc and content) at hook points with plugins.

Plugin API

First, you set plugins property in config.

  • specify directly JavaScript file (e.g. ./my-plugin.js)
  • specify npm module name (e.g. esdoc2-foo-plugin), before you need to install the module.
  "source": "./src",
  "destination": "./docs",
  "plugins": [
    {"name": "./MyPlugin.js"},
    {"name": "esdoc2-foo-plugin", "option": {"foo": 123}}

Second, you write plugin code.


class MyPlugin {
  onStart(ev) {

  onHandlePlugins(ev) {
    // modify plugins = ...; 

  onHandleConfig(ev) {
    // modify config = ...;

  onHandleCode(ev) {
    // modify code = ...;

  onHandleCodeParser(ev) {
    // modify parser = function(code){ ... };

  onHandleAST(ev) {
    // modify AST = ...;

  onHandleDocs(ev) {
    // modify docs = ...;

  onPublish(ev) {
    // write content to output dir, content);

    // copy file to output dir, dest);

    // copy dir to output dir, dest);

    // read file from output dir;

  onHandleContent(ev) {
    // modify content = ...;

  onComplete(ev) {
    // complete

// exports plugin
module.exports = new MyPlugin();

Note: esdoc2/esdoc2-plugins is helpful for writing plugins.

Data Format

TODO: describe data format.



esdoc2 has two goals.

  • To make documentation maintenance comfortable and pleasant
  • To create easy-to-understand documentation.

In order to achieve this two goals, esdoc2 produces a practical document, measures the coverage, integrates the test code and more.

Difference between esdoc2 and JSDoc

JSDoc is most popular JavaScript API Documentation tool. esdoc2 is inspired by JSDoc.

  • esdoc2
    • supports ES2015 and later
    • targets at ES2015 class and import/export style
    • easy to use with fewer tags, because understand information from ES syntax.
    • generates detailed document
    • measures document coverage
    • integrates test codes
    • integrates manual
  • JSDoc
    • supports ES3/ES5 and ES2015
    • targets Class-base OOP and Prototype-base OOP
    • has many flexible document tags

Supported Environment

esdoc2 supports Node.js(v6 or later)

Import Path In Documentation

esdoc2 displays the import path of class/function into the document.
However, the import path may be different from real import path because usually ES modules is transpiled to use it.

So, esdoc2 Import Path Plugin converts import path to real import path.

Who's Using esdoc2

And more.


Migration to V1.0.0

esdoc2 v1.0 adopts plugin architecture. So, almost all features are provided as plugins.
Please change your config to load plugins.

Using esdoc2-standard-plugin

Main features of esdoc2 were carved out to esdoc2-standard-plugin

Please use the plugin with the following config.

npm install esdoc2-standard-plugin

  "source": "./src",
  "destination": "./docs",
  "plugins": [{"name": "esdoc2-standard-plugin"}]

The full config description is here.
Especially integration test codes and integration manual were big changed.

Using Other Plugins

The following features were carved out to each plugins. If you want to use the features, please use the plugins.


1.1.0 (2017-11-10)

  • Fix
    • Broken when using JSON.stringify with output of AST

1.0.3 (2017-09-20)

  • Fix
    • Broken if using decorator. (#439)

1.0.2 (2017-09-03)

1.0.1 (2017-07-30)

0.5.2 (2017-01-02)

  • Fix
    • Display error message when invalid function type (#351) Thanks @LukasHechenberger
    • Crash when destructure sparse array (#350)
    • Crash when guess type of array detructuring (#301)
    • A union type in a generics type (eb051e7)
    • A union type with a spread type (199d834)
    • Crash when function was assigned by member expression (e59820a)
    • Broken to guess type when property has null value or object expression using string key (5920c1f)
    • Crash when guess type of return value that has object spread (#364) Thanks vovkasm
  • Feat
    • Automatically take a super class description if the method override a super class method. (7b515f0)

0.5.1 (2016-12-26)

  • Fix
    • Fix a message when could not parse the codes (a98a83c)
    • Fix a help message (a16e2c1)

0.5.0 (2016-12-25)

esdoc2 logo was out!

  • Breaking
  • Feature: ES2015
  • Feature: ES2016
    • Support exponentiation operator (29f6ccc)
  • Feature: ES2017
  • Feature: ECMAScript Proposal (see here)
    • Support class properties (c7b4d9b)
    • Support object rest spread (b58aa05)
    • Support do expressions (33daf5a)
    • Support function bind (5b7a7d0)
    • Support function sent (fe8a265)
    • Support async generators (e6dc2f2)
    • Support decorators (c941951)
    • Support export extensions (parsing syntax only) (8803005)
    • Support dynamic import (d729f5f)
  • Feature: Manual (see here)
    • Support new sections(advanced and design) to manual (2ebb2c6)
    • Improve new manual index page (0d30880)
    • Use manual as global index (a887852)
  • Feature: Config
    • Support automatically finding config (08fa2bc)
      • .esdoc2.json in current directory
      • .esdoc2.js in current directory
      • esdoc2 property in package.json
  • Internal
    • Update to babel6 (149914e)
    • Refactor test codes (#324)
    • Remove internal private tags (#325)
    • Use ESLint (#326)

0.4.8 (2016-08-07)

  • Feat
  • Fix
    • Not work @link at property description (#246)
    • Crash when function name includes member expression (#297)

0.4.7 (2016-05-02)

  • Fix
    • Broken if identifier name is stared with B (#224)
    • Broken dependency package

0.4.6 (2016-03-06)

0.4.5 (2016-02-14)

  • Fix
    • Make a mistake lint for array destructuring (#178)
    • Comment syntax(white space) is too strict (#181)
    • Broken param parsed result if description has {} (#185)
    • Link does not work when identifier name has $ (#218)

0.4.4 (2016-02-06)

  • Feat
    • Can resolve import file path that has no file extension (#160)
    • onHandleHTML has the target filename (#175) Thanks @skratchdot
  • Fix

0.4.3 (2015-11-02)

  • Fix
    • Lock npm modules

0.4.2 (2015-11-01)

  • Fix
    • Crash when not initialized declaration (#126)
    • Crash when @param description has {@link foo} (#129)
    • Allow particular HTML tags in each descriptions (#130)
    • Crash when record + union type is exists (#152)

0.4.1 (2015-10-18)

  • Breaking
    • Support multi files in manual (#124)
  • Feat
    • Support tutorial and configuration in manual (#122)
    • Support image in manual (#123)
  • Fix
    • Crash if method is generator + computed + member-expression (#107)
    • Not resolved @link in summary (#110)
    • Invalid param name when description has @link (#119)

0.4.0 (2015-10-04)

  • Feat
    • Support manual(overview, installation, usage, etc) into documentation (#102)
    • Support documentation lint (#103)

0.3.1 (2015-09-27)

  • Fix
    • Multi-line description truncated in summary (#85)

0.3.0 (2015-09-21)

  • Breaking
    • Change side bar navigation style (#84)
  • Fix
    • Inner link in user markdown (#80)

0.2.6 (2015-09-13)

  • Fix
    • Crash when array destructuring is exist (#77 Thanks @noraesae, #76)
    • Crash when computed property method is exist (#78 Thanks @noraesae, #73)
    • Crash when loading config without .js and .json (#74)
    • Crash when unknown class new expression variable is exist (#75)

0.2.5 (2015-09-06)

  • Feat
    • Support JavaScript code as esdoc2 config (#71 Thanks @raveclassic)
    • Add config.includeSource (#67, #68)
      • If you do not want to include source code into documentation, set config.includeSource: false
    • Display undocument lines in source file (#61)
  • Fix
    • Excludes member that has same name getter/setter/method (#64, #70)
    • Crash when destructuring is exist at top (#65)

0.2.4 (2015-08-30)

  • Fix
    • Crash if un-initialized let/const variables are exist (#60)
    • Invalid documentation when computed members(this[prop] = 123) are exist (#59)

0.2.3 (2015-08-29)

  • Fix
    • Fail if config.source is ./ (#56)
    • Not match includes, excludes in config (#57)
    • Not process @param in @typedef of function (#58)

0.2.2 (2015-08-23)

  • Fix
    • Badge color (645a256)
    • Crash if package.json is not exits (#50)
  • Deprecated
    • config.importPathPrefix (#46)
    • coverage badge in (#47)

0.2.1 (2015-08-09)

  • Fix
    • Fail loading plugin (#44)

0.2.0 (2015-08-03)

  • Feat
    • Support coverage badge (#34)
    • Plugin feature (#27)
  • Fix
    • Anonymous class document tag (#38)
    • Repository style in package.json (#39) Thanks @r7kamura
    • Repeat @typedef in document (#40)

0.1.4 (2015-07-20)

  • Feat
    • Support Complex class extends (#26)
    • Support caption tag in @example (#33)
    • Support separated function and variable exporting (#30)
  • Fix
    • Crash when object pattern argument does not have @param (#24)

0.1.3 (2015-07-05)

  • Feat
    • Support instance export(#11, #19)
      • export default new Foo()
      • export let foo = new Foo()
    • Support anonymous class/function export (#13)
      • export default class{} and export default function(){}
    • Show a detail log when esdoc2 could not process a input code (#14)
    • Support style url (#22)
  • Fix
    • Broken @desc when it has html code (#12)
    • Crash complex ExportDefaultDeclaration and ExportNamedDeclaration(957d61a)
    • Crash when a class extends unexported class (bf87643)
    • Tab in document tag (#20)
  • Internal
    • Change internal tags name (#23)

0.1.2 (2015-06-06)

  • Breaking Changes
    • drop esdoc2 ./path/to/dir implementation (b4d2121)
  • Fix
    • Fail parsing of React JSX syntax (#3). Thank you @koba04
    • Home link does not work as expected (97f47cf)
    • Separated export is not shown in document (6159c3a)
    • Crash when a class extends nested super class. (2d634d0)
    • Web font loading protocol (5ba8d82)

0.1.1 (2015-05-10)

0.1.0 (2015-05-05)

  • First release